Hi, I have Swoole 4.2.12 and PHP 7.3 `$this->server->set([ 'ssl_cert_file' => '/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt', 'ssl_key_file' => '/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key', 'heartbeat_check_interval' => 1000, 'heartbeat_idle_time' => 6000, 'max_conn' => 100000 ]);` 1. function heartbeat seems not...
Hey, How do I turn off the "Custom color" option when uploading? I see that it is possible to set the color ... but how to turn it off? I...
Hi, My system is Fedora 32 I have installed wine-stable64 (5.0.1) and when I try install q4wine with > sudo dnf install q4wine I get > Problem: package q4wine-1.3.6-7.fc32.x86_64 requires...
Hi, I have an error since few days (didn't change anything in script PHP), it was working fine since 2 years. If my clients try to upload video to their...
Cześć, Mam dla Was przyszłościową opcję bez której w sumie nie mogę Was teraz zintegrować :) Mam platformę, na której ludzie mogą tworzyć własne sklepy pod własnym adresem URL (!!),...