In some cases, alass detects voices that are not actually dialog, such as from a choir synth used as background music. An option to exclude parts in which it begins...
**Steps To Reproduce** 1. Goto Currency screen 2. Select a currency that does not allow decimal values (such as JPY) 3. Switch to another converteer (e.g. length) 4. Cannot enter...
Is it possible for you to provide a binary release of this project? Because I'm dumb as hell when it comes to these types of installs.
Aren't I supposed to see country flags here? Like in the app screenshots? 
There is currently no documentation to build from source. To make the process easier, an INSTALL file or something similar should be created with at least some basic instructions.
I switch the VPN on and off very often. As a laptop user it takes a considerable amount of time to drag my cursor to the tray or alt+tab to...
Using i3 on Gentoo. For some reason using mlconfig from a make install also affected my install using `emerge`, despite not changing any of the config files in `/etc/mlconfig`. Although...
Does not work when executing from terminal or config file. Examples: `rgba:0/0/0/255` `#00000000`