Shaw Takeuchi

Results 5 comments of Shaw Takeuchi

@chrisgibbs44 While waiting for the devs to tackle this issue, Marc Sabatella has a good workaround:

> But the sound font used by MuseScore is MS Basic, not FluidR3Mono. Investigating this further inside the sf3 file(s), looks like "Warm Pad" is missing the waveforms (ogg) from...

Follow-up: EastWest just updated Opus from 1.2.5 to 1.3.0, 2 days ago (dated 2022/12/22). After this update I am able to re-open my MS4 score files (attached .zip in the...

Re-tested with MS4.0.0 and EastWest OPUS version 1.3.1 (latest at the time of this posting) -- no crashes on score open!! 5 OPUS orchestral instruments including full 24-bit Steinway. Tested...

This happens with MSBasic Grand Piano as well. I reduced my score to the bare minimum to make it easier for the devs. Attached -- zip with 2-measure .mscz and...