A Question: is a pair of ak/sk allowed to access topics from two or more name space? do we need to consider this scenario?
AK/SK属于权限类,可以认为是一个用户,NameSpace属于资源类,两个应该是不同的维度。 从这个角度,一个用户是允许访问两个NameSpace下的topic的。这种权限结构我觉得才比较合理。 ``` accounts: - accessKey: RocketMQ # accessKey is globally unique secretKey: 12345678 whiteRemoteAddress: admin: false defaultTopicPerm: DENY defaultGroupPerm: SUB resourcePerm: - resource:topicA type:TOPIC namespace:xxxxx perm:PUB - resource:GroupA type:GROUP...
> > A Question: is a pair of ak/sk allowed to access topics from two or more name space? do we need to consider this scenario? > > @ShannonDing I...
Greate. it is better to change this PR to develop branch.
> please assign this work to me. Welcome. assigned.
ping @clbigdata
file conflicted now, it is better to resolve it first.
assign to @BeautyYuYanli
In server end, it has different topics for tracing messages in CLOUD model from which in Local model.
maybe you can have a try on the native go client. https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-client-go/tree/master/examples/consumer/pull