Serge Stinckwich

Results 124 issues of Serge Stinckwich

Use the following conversation on Discord: Stepharo: So how do we publish projects on the catalog? [9:30 PM] astares: @Stepharo It works the same as it worked over the last...


Migration from VW => Pharo: and Migration from Pharo to VW : I think Roassal define something to do that


There is the following warning in the CI: ``*** Warning: Deprecation: The method BlockClosure>>#ifError: called from PMGeneralFunctionFit>>#evaluate has been deprecated. Use #onErrorDo: instead.`` but apparently ``onErrorDo:`` is not the same...

``ShapeMismatch`` class is not used by another class and not prefixed by PM.

Add support for tests coverage in the CI with :

Priority: Medium
Status: In Progress
Type: Enhancement

There is no implementation at the moment.

At the moment, we can only built a random matrix with: ```Smalltalk PMMatrix class>>rows: rows columns: columns random: aMaxNumber "Answer a new Matrix of the given dimensions filled with random...

Priority: Low
Status: Available
Type: Enhancement

At the moment, the PM documentation is quite dispersed: - in Wiki: - in the book: We need a better way to organized all the doc, maybe by...

Priority: Medium
Status: In Progress
Type: Question

What kind of nice demos we can do with PM 1.0 ? At the moment, we have the following ones : - compute digit of Pi - Lorenz system :...

Priority: Medium
Status: Available
Type: Maintenance

Dual numbers and hyper dual numbers are just specific examples of multi-dimensional dual numbers. I guess that later we can supersede PMDualNumber and PMHyperDualNumber classes by a PMMultiDualNumber class later...

Priority: Low
Status: Available
Type: Enhancement