I want to use NDDS to get bounding box of human mesh. I added component NVCapturableActorTag to the body actor. However, no matter the body mesh downloaded from the Internet...
Thanks for the great work! The model zoo has already released many pretrained model weights and task ones, but there is still a lack of checkpoint for the AVA dataset....
Hi. when I python -m mhmocap.predict_mupots --configs_yml D:\Seesea\human\sa-3d-mh\configs\predict_mupots.yml --ts_id 1 --num_iter 100 --output_path D:\Seesea\human\sa-3d-mh\data\mupots-3d-eval\TS1\output\result_output i got this error: Info: writing output to D:\Seesea\human\sa-3d-mh\data\mupots-3d-eval\TS1\output\result_output\TS1 DEBUG:: joint_confidence_thr>> 0.5 DEBUG:: erode_segmentation_iters>> 0 DEBUG::...
Thanks for your work After fine-tuning, the performance of the model on the verification set is obtained, but how to get the accuracy of the model on the test set?...