
Results 6 issues of SeedCrackerXEnjoyer

Every time I find structures it says finished search with no results instantly after trying to find seeds. Information that might be useful: The server has Anti-Xray (Spams random ores)...

I found 10 structures. I even cleared data and found another 10 with no luck (all 20 structures I found were shipwrecks). I was wondering whether my version of SeedCrackerX...

Disclaimer: This might not be accurate because the way I measured the trust factor was by seeing how many people were on my looking to play. The first account that...

It highlights warped fungus but it doesn't add them to /seedcracker data bits. I am using the 2.14.4 version of seedcrackerx on a 1.20.1 server

Once I find the structures I need (mostly shipwrecks) it instantly says finished with no result. When I get the piller seed before trying to crack the overworld seed it...

Whenever I try to raise my render distance above 2, it crashes. This only started happening after I put seedcrackerx into my mods folder. Information. 1) My PC is on...