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Trust factor testing with osiris
Disclaimer: This might not be accurate because the way I measured the trust factor was by seeing how many people were on my looking to play.
The first account that I tested on was the one where I used csghost to inject with aimbot (silent and unsilent) backtrack (200ms) chams skin changer and esp enabled. That account got red trust almost instantly.
The second account that I tested was the one where I injected using csghost with aimbot (silent and unslient) backtrack (200ms) skin changer esp enabled. That account got red trust almost instantly again.
The third account I made was the one where I stopped using csghost and instead used sazinjector with aimbot backtrack (200ms) esp and skin changer. That account got red trust but not instantly. This is because csghosts vac bypass causes redtrust but there still must be something causing redtrust.
The fourth account I made was the one where I used sazinjector to inject Osiris with aimbot (silent and unsilent) and backtrack (200ms) and that account also gradually got redtrust like the one before.
The Fifth account I made was the one where I used sazinjector to inject Osiris with just aimbot (silent and unsilent). The way I measure the trust factor is by seeing how many people were in my looking to play so this might not be that accurate but with these settings enabled it was hovering around 3-5 unlike 0 with the other attempts.
The sixth account I made was the one where I did not use any cheats until I levelled it up to be able to play non-prime competitive and in the second game I played in competitive I injected halfway through with only aimbot (unslient) no backtrack, some esp and skin changer. This time my trust factor was green-yellow with the average looking to play hovering around 20-7.
The conclusion is that have maybe 1 or 2 hours played legit and then start cheating without using public vac bypasses and not enabling radar hack, chams, glow, backtrack and maybe don't use silent aim (not sure though I just disabled it and the trust factor was green).
I hope that now with this info Danieil Krupinski can change things to make All Features Undetected.
Side not: i started using silent aim and my trust factor was still green
The way to tell Your trust factor is to look at your looking to play. If there are 20-10 you are in green if its 10-5 you are yellow trust, if its 5-0 you are probably red trust.
this is a great research. last time I played CSGO with cheats was around 2020-ish iirc, idk how much have valve gotten at banning cheats nowadays
where did you get your injector?