Sean Mirrsen
Sean Mirrsen
> I have a suggestion: maybe add "Ignite Player" as well? on foot it kinda works well (make the fire stop when it reaches 1 health point then re-heal player...
> > I'm pretty sure a PR exists for an effect that is a less controllable version of this. > > Search for it, if you find it just add...
> „Random Stunt Jump“ has already been created, all locations of collectibles would be a pain in the ass to collect sweat_smile You could ask around on speedrunning forums. People...
Firstly: not calling it "Last Action Hero" would be criminal. Second, I think coupling infinite ammo with a version of Minimal Damage for just the player, would be fun. Kind...
> Timer durations are relative as they can be modified in the config app I'm replying here because I wanted to make a suggestion for this exact sort of metaeffect....
> > that already exists > > Sorry for not noticing it even tough I searched for quite a while. Could you link the effect in question please ? The...
Suggestion for alternate name: "Container Excitement" (a pun on "contain your excitement"). The containers could explode a short time after hitting the ground, as a bonus.