M. Lamers
M. Lamers
Some time has passed, and I tried also tried setting the event via the GpioPin.ValueChanged, to no avail :( `gpioPin.ValueChanged += gpioPin_ValueChanged`
Having the exact same issue.
I tried to merge that code with this repo, but that didn't work. I'm debugging the code, because the first time it worked, so I think i changed something and...
> The script is working with the C1101, only the receive part of the remote not yet. I have check the ID. And fill it in the scripts, only the...
Hey there, Finally found some time to look into this. fixed the issue: `- platform: template fans: mechanical_ventilation: friendly_name: "Mechanische afzuiging" value_template: > {{ "off" if states('sensor.fan_speed') == 'off' else...
Bovenstaande code bediend de afzuiginstallatie niet meer correct, ik zal de komende dagen als ik het opgelost krijg
Ja ik wilde de code eens updaten naar de laatste versie van Jodur. (ESPEasy), maar mijn home assistant en c++ kennis is niet toereikend, ik doe mijn best in elk...
I still don't know what to change to get it working for ESP32. I only use 8622. But I leave this open in case other people got it working