Sascha Dens
Sascha Dens
Currently the `model` configuration in `config/auth.php` is not used and DB integration was not foreseen yet. I will investigate this and see what I can do.
This is currently not foreseen to work with e-mail. Some modifications are needed in order to make this work. I'll Keep this in mind and mark this as a feature...
> @SaschaDens, can you please sign the CLA? Many people are waiting for your contribution to be merged. > Otherwise, how to proceed when there's no response from the OP?...
@gijoehosaphat for the `xml2js`I had the same error `Uncaught Error: Dynamic require of "events" is not supported` For my use-case I was able to exclude this from the client bundle...
For those that also want to know how @jithivk solved it can check the PR #3, which resolved the issue also for me 😄.