
Results 175 comments of Sam

Maybe in some cases distinct would work? (I know this is not related to reactive, many of the concepts from reactive map very well to iterables though)

@nikic I agree that it cannot stream without keeping state. The advantage of having this as a stateful streaming implementation is that it still defers execution and thus memory usage...

This can actually be solved by just passing an invokable filter object to `filter`: For example this should work (untested code): ```php class GreedyArrayHashFilter { private array $history = [];...

Isn't this covered by `slice`? ```php slice($iterable, 15, 1) ```

Some ideas that could be implemented: - [ ] Early error checking; since we don't use generators we can often validate params before iteration starts. - [ ] Have `toIter()`...

@jvasseur can you be more specific? > I'm -1 here, having a fluent interface would be annoying when you need to mix function from this package with your own functions...

@ragboyjr thanks for the examples! I'm not sure I fully agree with the reasoning though. > The issue he's referring to is, let's say you built your own function like...

To extend the example assuming you don't have a clean reference to your function: ```php $fluent->map(...) ->via(function(Fluent $fluent): iterable { return chunkBy($fluent); }) ->slice(1, 6); ``` This ticks all my...

> In the lib I mentioned, the curried functions are automatically generated. We could even omit the functions and just use `__call()`, and then document them via PHPDoc. For me...

Yeah, they do it for static constructors. Anyway, I'm open to any solution for that _problem_, but still we need to decide if this fluent interface is something we want...