
Results 175 comments of Sam

For memory efficiency using pure objects is also way more efficient due to the fact that php arrays are very inefficient. Pure objects with properties that get hydrated use significantly...

Mostly the key side should be more efficient for objects because keys in arrays are stored as hashes. I imagine that something similar happens for stdclass but not for objects...

Also for these tests use SplFixedArray to store your test objects would make the differences more pronounced

That's just SQL part though; I think that part works already?

Associative arrays tend not to be ordered; I know they are but when using them you don't want to depend on the order of associative elements...

It's not, both of those are dictionaries; however php doesn't have lists so they are also dictionaries... These are conceptually different. My point not related to the order of elements...

I don't have one, I just happened to get the data with keys. Then I found out the hard way that typecasting was broken because of it.

@samdark You misunderstand me; I'm not proposing adding support, i'm proposing to make failure more obvious: > My proposal is to actively check each key in the row data and...

This is a customer;s survey so unfortunately I can't share it. I'm using the summary view (that's the default one with the graphs right?) I'm getting OOM errors from wordcloud,...