I meant the reason ;) I don't concern to have any effects for fonts.
Just detect and block BHL clients, such feature exist.
@anzz1, you are right: in ideal world server owners should have the ability to enable only 'bugfixed' features without 'improved' ones. But the reality is different: there is no ability...
The problem is in GoldSrc design. They're is no way to detect ether enabled functionality on clients or restrict from enabling certain features by server. Especially if it is open-source...
It's sad to hear I'm a liar. But you know better and are allowed to post anything you want. HAND
Same for me on both computers. Steam HL, W10. Nothing helps except enabling Rainbow HUD (thanks [HLAG-Golden](
The same for me. But the game crashes even without BHL. I believe it is related to ReHLDS I use. There are no problems with the original files.
I have connected idea coming from player Krai to improve instagib mode by blocking wallgauss completely. Only direct shot should kill a player.
It is easily to avoid problems by not allowing spectators to take part in matches and disabling spectate cmd for active participants.