support for the following types of models (pseudo code): ``` class User(Address): street = TextField() city = TextFielder() ... class User(Model): name = TextField() addresses = ListField(Address()) ``` or ```...
``` find s : sequence (maxSize 5) of (int(1..5), int(1..5)) such that allDiff([(i,j) | p
``` letting D be domain int(1..3) find f : function (maxSize 3) set of D --> D such that forAll {s1,s2} subsetEq defined(f) . true ```
``` letting s be [] find a : int(1..5) such that a = s[1] ``` Conjure output: ``` Generating models for test.essence Generated models: model000001.eprime Saved under: conjure-output Savile Row:...
Two different models, two different reactions: ``` find s : set(minSize 2) of int(1..10) such that forAll {i,j} in s . i + j = 5 ``` ``` Generating models...
``` find a : int(1) such that catchUndef(min({}), -1) = -1 such that catchUndef(max({}), -1) = -1 ``` output: ``` Generating models for test2.essence Error 1: In a 'such that'...
[larger.param.txt]( [larger.solution.txt]( [model.essence.txt](
``` Saads-MacBook-Air:conjure saadattieh$ git checkout master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. giSaads-MacBook-Air:conjure saadattieh$ git pull Already up to date. Saads-MacBook-Air:conjure saadattieh$ make Using GHC...
I couldn't see an example of how to do this so I guessed it would just be calling `dbase.get` on the `doc_id` in the query result. ``` //adapted from tags...