Hi, Not a Conjure developer but some information that might help both the issuer and developer: I had a quick look, it seems like the main issue is with the...
Just took a peak, the only difference I can see is that I used a partial function whilst you used a total function mapping values to 0 where necessary. Perhaps...
apologies, ignore first error, typo in model. should be `subsetEq`. Second one still stands though.
@ozgurakgun any progress on this?
Yeah, I did think that wasn't eprime syntax. :P On 22 Jul 2019, at 1:42 pm, Peter Nightingale wrote: > > Savile Row can't parse those question marks. > >...
Side point, not sure if I should make it a separate issue. But I proposed a refinement for equality between list comprehension with conditions and a variable sized sequence. It...
I’ll paste it here, as it might be lost on slack. So we currently don't have equality between sequences and list comprehensions in Essence. I would like to propose a...
Conjure should be able to deduce the inner type from the context it was used in. For example it works fine if you write min of empty set when not...
Cheers! Could we make catchUndef officially be part of Essence input? I've actually needed it in some of my specs and so Athanor actually supports it. Well tbh the only...
Valid concern. i have tests which I am working on making publishable. What do I mean by that? Well unfortunately, most of my tests have garbled output and are not...