
Results 4 issues of SZUshenyan

Hello, I would like to ask how you load the pkl result and convert it into the data form required by semantic-kitti-api. I run the "./tools/my_dist_test. sh ./projects/configs/voxformer/ /home/ZHX/Data/sy/VoxFormer/ckpts/VoxFormer-T/miou13.35_iou44.15_epoch_12.pth 1",...

Hello, I want to use the test set in the semantic-kitti dataset for inference visualization. I have successfully used mayavi for inference visualization of the validation set, but there was...

When I download the depth map, what I get is the depth map stored in float16, how to convert it to png format, please let me know thanks!

Hello, I want to add the semantic category of blind path during training. May I ask if I can only collect image data and voxel the image data into the...