> Hi there. I am also working on this. > > In my case, I saved the prediction result into pkl file. Then I checked semantic-kitti-api and if you can...
> 是的,测试序列没有标签。您可以在推理过程中忽略这些文件 Hello, I have run the inference [code,]( but nothing appears on Gradio. I now want to inference about my image data and save it as a pkl file,...
> Hi, I don't understand. Can you use [my visualization script]( to visualize it? Hello, I used two methods to inference my own image data. The first is the inference... ``` import os import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from torchvision import transforms import pickle # from helpers import * from helpers import get_projections, majority_pooling, draw from... ``` # from operator import gt import pickle import numpy as np from omegaconf import DictConfig import hydra from mayavi import mlab def get_grid_coords(dims, resolution): """ :param dims: the...