Results 11 comments of SISTMrL

when i run cd lib && sh, i got the following error,please help running build_ext building 'utils.cython_bbox' extension creating build creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.6 creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.6/utils gcc -pthread -B /root/zenghy/anaconda3/envs/L-torch/compiler_compat -Wl,--sysroot=/...

i saw that repo use single model, how can i use multiple models in that repo

how to normalize? the box coordinate is (x1, y1, x2, y2) which represents the left-top and right-bottom corner, and the image's height is h, image's width is w. the normalized...

hello, have you solved this problem? thanks! @JwDong2019 @niket1594 @klyjb

hello, I'm sorry to disturbing you due to this is my homework, I havae a question. I encounter this question: No such file: '/home/mrl/Documents/retinanet/RetinaNet/datasets/COCO/images/train2017/000000171857.jpg, when run the python code: for...

I'm sorry to disturb you, when i see the code, i saw the retinanet.train() followed by retinanet.module.freeze_bn() in line 109 and 110 in, i don't understood. I check the...

> Hi, what are your torch and cuda versions? I also encounter the same problem with torch 1.10.0 mmcv 1.5.3 cuda 11.1

> 有错误提示么? 你好请问下编译localattn需要的gcc版本范围是多少

i use the sequences/00/poses.txt calib.txt and times.txt provided in semantic kitti instead of the *.txt provided in this repo, is this the reason that i can't reproduce the results of...