Something interesting to add here - Kodak was interested in being part of the project (did you know they make the printing dies for all U.S. money?) , and the...
Re: @santisiri 's comment to @herbstephens "a legacy approach in my view won't cut it for the paper. we need something that scales globally and is intrinsic to crypto." It's...
@virgile-dev @paulamlb @santisiri @herbstephens I've been reading [IDcubed's paper on digital ID]( - they put their 10 principles of identity on Github [here]( their statement of vision/mission has similarities [to...
the idea that the simple genius of captcha can be applied to POI is very compelling..
If someone has an [OpenID ]( that be accepted as a POI for getting a vote token?
A dedicated page where people can download one pager, download /link to white paper, and leave their email for IRO updates....
@virgile-dev @santisiri Agatha was planning to help with the IRO "sitelet" as we've been calling it, so let her know if she can help .....
The fact that many do not believe their ballot is not secret is demonstrated to have a suppressing effect on voter turnout. @metamerman can you explain in terms of...
re: the last question/ Do we want people with little time left on the planet to get more decision power than people with more time left? Would the flip side...
Continuing thinking about this: when you replace existing systems, seems most fair to implement them as though they existed for all time, and not just from an arbitrary starting point...