paper copied to clipboard
Hey @santisiri,
I noticed you setted up a config.yml file with a Jekyll site in mind. I've been working with Jekyll a lot with, and
I was thinking of working on the IRO website when I get back from vacation, was planning to do it with webflow but if you are going for Jekyll even better!
Let me know :)
@virgile-dev that was set to make a github page (it was included by github i guess) so we can have a, i will setup something like that directly pointing to the paper itself so we can share it more easily.
we already have the IRO website done: We will improve that, no need to make a specific site for it.
@santisiri ah okay, let me know if I can help with :) I think a specific section or more likely a dedicated page on will do just fine. I'll get back to working on something in webflow.
A dedicated page where people can download one pager, download /link to white paper, and leave their email for IRO updates....
@virgile-dev @santisiri Agatha was planning to help with the IRO "sitelet" as we've been calling it, so let her know if she can help .....
Hey. I had never used Webflow so I watched the tutorial videos over the weekend. It's a great tool! I don't want to be another cook in the kitchen (or designer in the studio), but am happy and ready to help with the sitelet, just let me know how.
Hey @agathink let's work together on this :) I'm back tomorow from Venice. Let's try to set up a call this week or the other :)