Hi, few months ago, I successfully used STITCH for imputing low coverage NIPT data. Now, I'm using it again with more samples (5069). I did not change my scripts or...
Hi, I'm writing to report a couple of issues I noticed after imputing my data with QUILT. My observations are based on the imputation of a sample for which I...
Hi, I'm running QUILT using a scheduler that allows me to send one job per chromosome, parallelizing the run of each one of the windows provided. In other words, each...
Hi, I downloaded the genetic map for GRCh38 used in this paper: This genetic map is the one provided by Eagle and can be found here: When I...
Hi, I have imputed a batch of 5000 individuals. As far as I understand, each of them has been independently imputed by QUILT. However, I have noticed that the INFO...