Hi Robert, Thank you for the help. Eventually, I made it work! The issue related to the "repeat sample names" was solved removing 2 samples I identified as responsible of...
Dear Robert, sorry for the late response. Indeed, I deleted my message since eventually I found a solution and I didn't mean to bother you any further. There was a...
Hello Robert, your help was truly helpful and I thank you a lot for it. Can I ask you what's the process of choosing the info score filter value? In...
Hi Robert, thank you for the answer and sorry for my late response. To answer your questions: - In the error file the scheduler stores the QUILT output (all the...
When I check the memory usage after a run it seems ok. However, I found that another error is reported together with the one I mentioned at the beginning: ```...
Hi Robert, sorry to bother you but I rerun QUILT on just a couple of windows that previously crashed. This time I used a reduced batch of 500 samples, but...
Indeed, I was using more cores just because I needed to speed up the process, but eventually I see it was not a good choice. My pipeline is however designed...
Dear Robbie, thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. As a general update I can tell you that I went a little more deep into the...
Hi Robbie, Thank you for running this test. I will run your code on my data as soon as I can. One note: usually, I don't use the phasefile not...
Many thanks for looking into it :)