Latest config.bin from Nova T17 version. Nothing seems to work. We need the new "root" pass... [config.zip](https://github.com/mkst/zte-config-utility/files/10280074/config.zip)
> You need to extract the squashfs from the firmware and then decrypt /etc/db_default_auto_cfg.xml from it with this tool to see the admin pass (and any other settings applied to...
> in the 268p10one.bin you posted the admin user info is this: > > ``` > > > > > > > ``` That's great. I'll try it. It would...
> that's a different SoC so would need me to reverse engineer a completely different kernel Ah, OK. Well, if you ever find the time that would be great since...
> did you try hooking up serial to it ? it seems to have a pretty extensive bootloader that even runs a webserver, maybe can dump flash contents there I...
> did you try hooking up serial to it ? it seems to have a pretty extensive bootloader that even runs a webserver, maybe can dump flash contents there This...
> i havent been able to get the rootfs decryption key from the fwupgr image posted, if you have a full flash dump that you could send to me that...