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>> Decryption for ZTE H188A/H288A << ✔✔

Open HeXGmR opened this issue 2 years ago • 149 comments


Hello :)

Can someone decrypt config file for ZTE H288A router

will be much appreciated :) config.zip

"I can help with SPI full flash firmware file if needed"

HeXGmR avatar May 21 '22 14:05 HeXGmR

Here's another one: config.zip Firmware: Wind

And another one: config.zip Firmware: Nova zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t16_firmware.bin

datio avatar Oct 20 '22 21:10 datio

And another one: config.zip Firmware: Nova zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t16_firmware.bin

the admin password for the linked firmware is user: forthnet pass: F0rth@c$n3t# unfortunately this firmware encrypts the backed-up configs using a key derived from all possible device-specific infos, like mac + serial + longPassword (that can only be found in /var/tagparam.bin or by dumping full flash). if you have a full flash dump and want to privately send it to me I can verify this and add support, to confirm this is the method being used, you can try a config backed up from this firmware, and trying to restore to different unit of same model and firmware, it should reject it.

rajkosto avatar Oct 29 '22 13:10 rajkosto

Here's another one: config.zip Firmware: Wind

This one can be decrypted with latest master and using python3 examples/decode.py --signature H288A config.bin config.xml

rajkosto avatar Oct 29 '22 13:10 rajkosto

@rajkosto sent you an e-mail.

HeXGmR avatar Oct 29 '22 22:10 HeXGmR

Bootloader password for H188A/H288A is Boot47516!

rajkosto avatar Oct 31 '22 09:10 rajkosto

Here's another one: config.zip Firmware: Wind

This one can be decrypted with latest master and using python3 examples/decode.py --signature H288A config.bin config.xml

I have the same firmware, but my config.bin cannot be decrypted. I tested the posted config and decrypts succesfully.

Do we have any solution to this? Also what we can do with the bootloader password?

virusx2gr avatar Nov 01 '22 10:11 virusx2gr

the config.zip that decrypts (from WIND firmware) is not from the firmware linked in that post (NOVA firmware). that firmware has the complicated keygen i explained already. if you are using the linked firmware the solution is to dump your flash to get the tagparams (which is probably outside the scope of a normal user) and then supply all those params to the decode script after https://github.com/mkst/zte-config-utility/pull/53 is merged. the bootloader can be used to reflash firmwares and some other things, if you have a UART to usb converter attached during boot

rajkosto avatar Nov 01 '22 10:11 rajkosto

the config.zip that decrypts (from WIND firmware) is not from the firmware linked in that post (NOVA firmware). that firmware has the complicated keygen i explained already. if you are using the linked firmware the solution is to dump your flash to get the tagparams (which is probably outside the scope of a normal user) and then supply all those params to the decode script after #53 is merged. the bootloader can be used to reflash firmwares and some other things, if you have a UART to usb converter attached during boot

I hope the user who sent you the full dump, helps you add support for this!!!

Can you extract the files from firmware and upload?

virusx2gr avatar Nov 01 '22 13:11 virusx2gr

anyone else stuck on the linked t16 NOVA firmware and REALLY wanting to encrypt/decrypt their config without a full flash dump can do this: solder on a UART header like so https://images.sshnuke.net/2022-11-05_02-02-51_DuheYggJG.jpg install Tera Term if on windows for a good serial client that has all the required features https://osdn.net/projects/ttssh2/releases/ use a usb to uart or similar device, note down its COM port, set the Tera Term serial options to be 115200 baud rate https://images.sshnuke.net/2022-11-02_23-02-01_Mp18NF1qi.png during router power-on, you should see a bootloader prompt asking you to hit 1 to enter "boot" mode, enter 1 then enter the bootloader password to get to the Bldr> prompt enter xmdm 83FBC5C8 D4 in the prompt, hit enter when the C characters start appearing, go to File->Transfer->XMODEM->Send in Tera term, and pick this file: https://files.sshnuke.net/83FBC5C8_dsaverifyfunc_ret0.bin after it's uploaded the prompt will say "received error", this is normal, it always says this after a XMODEM upload now connect an ethernet cable to any port on the router, set the ip to static 192.168.1.x/ on your computer, and go to in firefox and upload the .bin file inside this archive: https://files.sshnuke.net/t16mod_fwupgrsignaes.7z (keep in mind doing a firmware flash via the bootloader will RESET your router to FACTORY defaults) you should see messages like the following in your terminal:

Received file:
rcvdata_size = 14172912
start = 0x80020000

==>xpan...Find DSA
file: ../cspboot/verify_sign/blcm_dsa_verify_type.c function: dsa_verify  line: 349 error! answer = 0
Erasing flash:from a0000,len 3200000...

Writing csp kernel mem:80020000 to flash:0x01aa0000, len = 0x400000

Writing csp jffs mem:80420000 to flash:0x00aa0000, len = 0x9842f0

*** CSP Image flash done *** !
Failed to send response after firmware upload

after this the router will reboot and you will be in my custom version of the t16 nova firmware that has STANDARD signature-based config encryption (and also it has DSA signature checks removed on firmware upgrade, so you don't have to go through the bootloader patching procedure to flash modified firmwares anymore, can just do it from the webgui), on this modified firmware, you can decrypt the config after backing it up like so: python3 examples/decode.py config.bin config.xml and then restore it after changing it and re-encrypting it like so: python3 examples/encode.py --signature "H288A" --use-signature-encryption config.xml config_new.bin to enable ssh you would change the config's SSH_Enable variable to 1 and SSH_ProcType to 0 (so it starts busybox instead of cliagent) and SSH_Level to 1 (so your ssh session runs as root) once you have ssh, you can backup your flash by plugging in a usb stick into the router, typing mount to see what folder it ended up being (if it didnt mount, just mkdir /mnt/usb && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb && cd /mnt/usb), cd-ing to that folder, and then doing cat /dev/mtd0 > mtd0.bin. now you have your tagparams (and every other) partition in case you need it (the file size of mtd0.bin should be 128MB) :)

rajkosto avatar Nov 02 '22 22:11 rajkosto

forget all that bootloader nonsense, i found out how to make a firmware flashable the easy way just upload this (after extraction, of course) https://files.sshnuke.net/t16mod_signaes_newdefaults.7z using the firmware webgui after the flash, the logo should change and the configs backed-up/restored should be easily decodable/encodeable using the basic commands python3 examples/decode.py config.bin config.xml and python3 examples/encode.py --signature H288A config.xml config2.bin

also, if you reset to factory defaults on this firmware: the default webgui credentials will be admin/admin and ask you to change pass on login (user account is still there too) ssh will be enabled with credentials root/admin and you will be put into a root busybox shell (so you can backup mtd) telnet will be enabled with the default root/public user/pass and standard enable command with zte pass allows you to access the configuration

rajkosto avatar Nov 10 '22 19:11 rajkosto

Any fun with H288A V1.1.0_GR5.1T17 ? (Nova)

varoudis avatar Dec 04 '22 08:12 varoudis

Any fun with H288A V1.1.0_GR5.1T17 ? (Nova)

Do you got the update file .bin for T17 ?

HeXGmR avatar Dec 04 '22 09:12 HeXGmR

Any fun with H288A V1.1.0_GR5.1T17 ? (Nova)

Do you got the update file .bin for T17 ?

I only have the "config.bin" backup from it. Not the actual firmware.

varoudis avatar Dec 04 '22 10:12 varoudis

@HeXGmR https://github.com/MariosK239/Gr_ISP_Router_Firmware/tree/main/Nova/ZTE_ZXHN_H288A This isnt it?

edit: my mistake! You said T17..

varoudis avatar Dec 05 '22 14:12 varoudis

Anybody who manage to get the admin's login ?

dkoupourtiadis avatar Dec 08 '22 21:12 dkoupourtiadis

Anybody who manage to get the admin's login ?

Same question, I have only user with limit access so I can't backup config file.

Hoopex avatar Dec 08 '22 23:12 Hoopex

Anybody who manage to get the admin's login ?

Same question, I have only user with limit access so I can't backup config file. backup config seems to work on my NOVA thingy?!

varoudis avatar Dec 09 '22 11:12 varoudis

@varoudis Hello can you send me a special login for this version to try it zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t14_firmware.bin

prografor avatar Dec 17 '22 14:12 prografor

Latest config.bin from Nova T17 version. Nothing seems to work. We need the new "root" pass... config.zip

S4F1S avatar Dec 21 '22 17:12 S4F1S

firmware zte h288a t17

prografor avatar Dec 21 '22 19:12 prografor

So what, every time your ISP releases a new firmware and changes the admin pass to spite you users, you want me to trawl through and decrypt the firmware to get it out ? Here's the user credentials from zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t17_firmware.zip:

<Tbl name="DevAuthInfo" RowCount="6">
<Row No="0">
<DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
<DM name="User" val="Nova_admin"/>
<DM name="Pass" val="dxEh-eNc.Lk7"/>
<DM name="ChgPwd" val="0"/>
<Row No="1">
<DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
<DM name="User" val="user"/>
<DM name="Pass" val=""/>

rajkosto avatar Mar 18 '23 04:03 rajkosto

Hello I got the mtd0.bin from my router but I can't read it to get my user and password. please help me decrypt it. THANKS

Nanefouad avatar Mar 18 '23 17:03 Nanefouad

hello, can we finally expect a firmware for h188a and escape from isps? i have h188a, lmk if i can help. i heard that h288a work fine on h188a but i dont wanna break something because there is no way back.

fuckthelaw avatar Apr 06 '23 11:04 fuckthelaw

do you have the same device? h188a?

a lot of people on yt sharing an open firmware for it, the only issue now for me is that i dont trust them

fuckthelaw avatar Apr 06 '23 11:04 fuckthelaw

this isnt how it works, in egypt we have 3 shit isps that provide only locked routers, i have got other firmware for other routers and they work, one from an isp called 3bb, and one was from huawei, probably they got leaked or someone was able to back it up and simply we can apply it over the same model. usually you do this for privacy reasons and mainly for egyptians, each router from each isp cant work on any other isp so they do this to make the router basically work on all isps.

actual zte firmware isnt provided by any isp, the isps here use their own firmware to do their nasty stuff. so no way to get it.

fuckthelaw avatar Apr 06 '23 11:04 fuckthelaw

sure, may i ask why?

fuckthelaw avatar Apr 06 '23 11:04 fuckthelaw

a lot of people do it. i should delete them and maybe share the firmware here?

fuckthelaw avatar Apr 06 '23 11:04 fuckthelaw

Hi Egyptian here: I have ZTE H188A model and installed Nova firmware: here

This should work for Egyptian routers provided by any ISP with the same model_

I downloaded the latest version v7 for H288A firmware for my H188A from here

After that, you'll need to ask your ISP for your username and password.

Login with your default username and password on back of your router. if you're using zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t17_firmware.bin

Now you'll log in to your router page > Internet > WAN > DSL tap > DSL Connection and

  1. disable everything except Internet2_VDSL ( VDSL VPU ).
  2. for the Service List keep INTERNET and TR069 only checked and uncheck the rest.
  3. add the username and password you got from your ISP.
  4. set VLAN to off and now everything should be working.

screenshot from the DSL configuration: Screenshot


  • This firmware can only support one SSID network for 2.4 GH and one SSID for 5GH networks. so you'll have 2 networks instead of 8 in total
    • if someone can solve this, please share what you reached to.


  • I started this process keeping in mind that I might lose my router and get a new one while it's already new.
  • The main reason I did that, was that I couldn't change my DNS from the routers page but I have to contact the support to do so for me.
  • The technical support has access to my router page and all the configurations and devices and has more options over what I can do with my router.

I want to Thank you for the firmware.

doct0rX avatar Apr 18 '23 01:04 doct0rX

I will use this framware zxhnh288a_hv11_fv110_gr51t17_firmware.bin and i cant login with default user name and password in router get way, please help me to login😢

khaled625 avatar May 10 '23 20:05 khaled625

does using custom frimware for 188a on we egypt have any pros?

ahmedtohamy1 avatar May 11 '23 14:05 ahmedtohamy1