Ryan Zimmerman

Results 239 comments of Ryan Zimmerman

Discussed with @jprichardson and agreed to postpone until ESM support is no longer consider experimental in Node; due to the challenges of implementing this.

@ChocolateLoverRaj ESM is still listed experimental in the docs: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/esm.html#esm_modules_ecmascript_modules

Node v15.3.0 makes ESM stable, so we should get on with this.

There's a few holdups: 1. We depend on `graceful-fs`, which is not ESM 2. Handling of functions that are not in all versions of node 3. Our promise polyfill behavior...

All of these concerns basically tie back to doing named exports when we don't know the function list ahead of time. Ideally we'd just do `export * from 'fs'`, but...

> Potentially the best way to do this then is to generate a file per platform and then add a test case to ensure that all the exposed functions from...

@Jaid Your bridge doesn't solve any of the issues we're dealing with, since it requires explicitly listing all functions, which we can't do.

@jprichardson @manidlou @JPeer264 I've been doing some thinking about this issue, and I've come up with a compromise proposal that would allow us to ship basic ESM support now, while...

I'm not opposed to the idea of adding this, but if we're going to do this, it needs to be mirrored for `copySync`. Also, we should have a test that...

`mode` is only supported by Node 14+; and some of the options here overlap with some of our existing options. Long-term, I think moving to an API closer to `copyFile`...