Ryan Liu

Results 4 issues of Ryan Liu

版本:0.4.34 问题: 1. 弹窗不是自动垂直水平居中。 2. 底部只能设置一个按钮,就算自己设置了两个,回调函数也没有合适的入参来让开发者区分到底是按了哪个按钮。 3. props设计不规范,很多地方引用但是不声明,导致外面传参的时候一直warning,开发体验不友好。 说到底这个组件库是开发出来给三方用的,如果说第一个出于某些不可知的考量不做的,第三个是忘记了,那么第二个的确无法理解了,下面两个按钮的操作不是很常见么? 当然,第二个我也可以自己手动覆盖样式+自己绑定事件,但是那我就不如自己写一个了。 算了,我还是自己写一个吧。

First of all, thank you for your contribution! :-) Please makes sure that these checkboxes are checked before submitting your PR, thank you! * [x] Rebase before creating a PR...

First of all, thank you for your contribution! :-) Please makes sure that these checkboxes are checked before submitting your PR, thank you! * [x] Rebase before creating a PR...

i found that web could have refreshed while less is still compiling, which is always happened when the final less file import too many less files. i didn't find the...
