Ryan Liu

Results 4 comments of Ryan Liu

1. Modal的展示与否既然是靠样式的`display: none;`而非`a:if`来确定,就要让这个操作是最高层级的,否则如果外面有对`view`设置额外样式,就可能导致Modal无法隐藏。 2. Modal目前没有自动在屏幕水平垂直居中,我实在想不出有什么场景需要这样处理,姑且认为是一个bug吧。

I've updated Inquirer to the newest version and it seems to be unsolved still. Do I have to set `type` to `list` to scroll the choices with keyboard UP and...

or anyway to make sure that reloading is 100% start after less(), im not sure i've made myself clear.

and all the css files are not gonna be reloaded when Save? i dont figure out what's going on cos this is really wired.