Russ Tedrake
Russ Tedrake
Just stumbled on this, which might be relevant for the "license on deepnote / colab (if that ever comes back)":
what do you guys think about packaging director as precompiled vs vtk5 as precompiled?
I will let @rdeits confirm, but I think this came in when students in 6.832 were turned off by the incredible build time.
I've been calling drake's installed install_prereqs transitively from the underactuated / manipulation install_prereqs for a long time. Am I to understand that everyone agrees this is simple to do here,...
As I was most of the way through reading your third paragraph, I was indeed thinking "those sound like Drake bugs". :-)
Yes, still relevant. No urgency. I've added support for this in my own repos, and @jamiesnape and I thought we should propagate it back upstream, in the spirit of not...
@hongkai-dai -- i agree we can do it with linear constraints already. yes, the request is to do it as a bounding box. Partly because this can be better for...
FTR -- My now extremely small patch to enable `bazel build //tools/install/ //bindings/pydrake` and install on apple silicon is [here](
The cmake entry point is still the official entry point for running the install scripts that supports setting all of our documented options.
Update: As of #17196, my apple_silicon2 branch patch is no longer needed. 🎉