I'm clearly not going to be able to make the necessary time to finish patching this up at this point. Branch will remain if someone else wants to polish it...
please no merge until gateways have been considered 😠#6802
> I'm pretty sure thats a myth It is. The only difference in ore spawning is gulag-type rocks vs the rest of lavaland.
> If there is someone willing to play it, it should be present. Then why don't we have Syndi Comms agent, Golems and Ashwalkers as 100% spawns at the start...
The server just got some new trial maintainers to help keep things moving. Might be worth asking one of them. Things definitely aren't going to move fast anytime soon though.
Still need to do the gateway access onto miner IDs
TO DO: * ~~Block megafauna from entering the gateway~~ * ~~Rename doors by lavaland gateway to "Gateway" instead of processing~~ * ~~Fix inconsistent normal glass windows to be reinforced like...
Alright, this one should be good to go. Hopefully the bots will stop warring over whether or not it's a config update soon.
> If transport between the station and lavaland becomes instantaneous, there is no distance between them anymore. The mining base is just another part of the station and lavaland is...
> Emag gateway to allow megafauna? Or just... use the shuttle like every other ~~griefer~~ definitely legitimate antagonist with murderbone objectives.