
Results 146 comments of Rudd-O

Please close this ticket. On January 8, 2018 10:33:05 PM GMT+01:00, captainhook wrote: >This repo does not seem to identify the version of Jenkins used. I am >using 2.89.2 and...

Just to be clear — that test with the temporary file is probably easy to fix: just have the test actually write a proper MP3 (even if one second long)...

The traceback is a really dumb fuckup in Here is the fix: ``` diff --git a/ b/ index 2765c59..7d3a9f8 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6381,6 +6381,7 @@ class...

Please fix the spaghetti code, dude, including all of the `*` imports. Come on, this application exists to manage money. Is this code even tested?

How long do you think it will take to get this PR merged? I'm satisfactorily running Syncthing-GTK with this. Would you consider relinquishing maintainership? Thanks. has a full Python 3 port. I am actively using this program. Fedora packages at .

Why not just fork it completely and ditch the author's opinion of whether Python 3 support should be merged? I mean, just (a) take over the project, or (b) rename...

Thank you for the amazing effort @andrewshadura . I hope people can add Python 3 `requests` support for your port, and I hope this repository is willing to merge your...

Oh irony of ironies GTK is now at version 4.

What @andrewshadura said. GTK+ 4 is automatically available to Python through the gobject introspection bindings.