
Results 146 comments of Rudd-O

Data returned: ``` Yahoo html { height: 100%; } body { background: #fafafc url( 50% 50%; background-size: cover; height: 100%; text-align: center; font: 300 18px "helvetica neue", helvetica, verdana, tahoma,...

Disappears after 5 minutes: ``` level=info ts=2017-10-03T11:00:17.657654193Z caller=proxy.go:104 msg=Listening address=:8080 level=info ts=2017-10-03T11:00:18.079916119Z caller=coordinator.go:110 msg=WaitForScrapeInstruction fqdn= level=error ts=2017-10-03T11:00:22.815177936Z caller=proxy.go:97 msg="Responded to /clients" client_count=1 level=info ts=2017-10-03T11:01:17.657898105Z caller=coordinator.go:179 msg="GC of clients completed" deleted=0...

Whatever endpoint Prometheus did not scrape gets garbage-collected after five minutes. This means that a Prometheus outage of more than five minutes makes the proxy think the app has disappeared...

Can the GC thread clean up *and close the connection* so the client can reconnect if it's still alive? The client isn't getting any signal that the connection has been...

Awesome, but this is the bug about the disappearing client. The improperly joined URL is #9.

The stderr log shows the client disappearing, deleted=1 and remaining=0, but somehow when I try to scrape again, bam, the scrape worked. I am closing this but note that the...

We really should have an optional export of open metrics for Waitress. That said, the question of whether to serve the `/metrics` handler in the same HTTP port and using...

Agreed on the assessment — note that serving on a different port allows metrics to still be collected if the main server is overloaded *in the specific sense that the...

There should also be a distinction between INT and TERM such that TERM lets the application stop listening on the socket for new connections but finish serving existing open sockets,...

Yeah I wouldn't mind if INT is not "properly handled", so long as SIGTERM is graceful shutdown with all connections finishing up properly. I require this for my automation, and...