
Results 14 issues of 理念圈

### Checklist - [X] I am using the latest version of this action. - [X] I have read the latest README and followed the instructions. - [X] I have read...


首先推荐类别julia ## 前言 在issue147中提到了 > iblis17 您好,由于推荐的 Julia 语言项目过少,该项目暂时不能收入到月刊中,如后续推荐的项目数量足够出刊,会再考虑该项目。再次感谢推荐项目 😁 那么我先推荐4个吧(自己的亿点也不活跃,不符合标准,就不自荐了) ## JuliaZH - 项目地址:https://github.com/JuliaCN/JuliaZH.jl - 类别:Julia - 项目后续更新计划:补充1.6翻译 - 项目描述:提供了中文翻译 - 推荐理由:可以直接用REPL的help功能查看文档 - 示例代码: ```REPL julia> using JuliaZH help?>...

![](https://s2.loli.net/2022/08/10/fIWDVcy94NpMgjh.png) The color isn't right and the `1 file unsaved` tag appears after I saved all files. Refresh or close-reopen can't fix it. Does this issue occur when all extensions...


I can't find `GtkEntryBuffer`. There's only a `GtkEntryBuffer` in the comments [here](https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Gtk.jl/blob/3bd7caf1eabf0c295d1f092d44c7ac4fccb67a56/src/input.jl).

( found these while building docs ```jl p=Parser(); enable!(p, AdmonitionRule()); julia> p(""" !!! note "Ju 的文字" Ju """) ERROR: StringIndexError: invalid index [18], valid nearby indices [17]=>'文', [20]=>'字' ... julia>...

up for grabs

```jl julia> using CommonMark julia> p=Parser(); enable!(p, TableRule()); julia> md=p(""" | 标 | 题 | 们 | | --- | --- | --- | | d | 文 字 |...


You wrote > Computing the NOT of a single value is also easy: ``` printf("%1$255d%1$s%hhn", a, b) ``` will compute ``` *b = (strlen(a)+255)%256 = strlen(a)-1 ``` and again, because...

This is *redirected* from [this issue](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/157731). I'm not exactly sure it's the extension's fault, but it has to be noted. Read the original issue for more information.

I want to fix a package, and there's a piece of code like this: ```jl # Rule is a struct with field fn::Function inline_rule(rule::TableRule) = Rule(0, "|") do parser, block...

needs reproducer