I have fixed the SPY's BUG and some other issus, you can see them in pull requests and my another issus. And i am translate it into Chinese and finished...
The BUG for the SPY is caused by the space in install.sql,you can fix the file and update the Database or edit the sql and reinstall the game to fixt...
sorry for my english is not very well,so i as far as possible to use the picture instead the text。the application of Alliance are can't del by players,it only can...
the file 【\includes\pages\game\ShowMarketPage.class.php】184lines `if (empty($lot) || $price == 0){` should change to `if (empty($lot) || $price < 1){` or the players can also use the f12 to enter the negative...
this bug is caused by the filename,the file “includes/subclasses/subclass.UpdateSql [**С**] hoice.php” is a Russian letter not the english letter。but the code in php are same as the filename。so it can...