Roger Schmidlin
Roger Schmidlin
I had to manually edit the iOS project file and set the profiling option to false
App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.
I am running your demo code. icon change on Android works fine. iOS doesn't change the size of the icon -> "Symbol layer icon size change" page
I am trying to load the map data dynamically from my viewmodel on ViewAppearing. ` ` The data binding only works on initialising the value in the constructor but not...
**Describe the bug** I am starting the table IT from the file explorer. The table opens correct but none of the buttons are having any effect on the game. If...
Hello there First, thanks for putting together this great wrapper for vlc. I am trying to write an xamarin forms app for playing videos. I tried to use your library...
Hello Martijn. I am a bit stuck with your plugin. I can't play any video with it. Could you give me an example on how to do this? Thanks for...