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[linker] libvlcjni.so has text relocations - app crashes
Hello there First, thanks for putting together this great wrapper for vlc. I am trying to write an xamarin forms app for playing videos. I tried to use your library on the android part but got following error:
"[linker] libvlcjni.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix."
It seems to work ok, if I only create a xamarin android solution. Thanks for your help, Roger
Do you have any plans to provide this wrapper for iOS? Or even better a video player view for Xamarin Forms :)
I didn't have any plans for iOS or Forms yet, but that would be a good idea. I'll see if i can look into it.
Could the above problem be solved with this link? [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20141538/mylib-so-has-text-relocations-this-is-wasting-memory-and-is-a-security-risk-pl]
I get very weird things happening at my side. Could you try my simple version of your modified sample code and set a breakpoint where suggested. Step over and it should crash. At least at my end. Do you have a working sample to play a video through your lib? ' LibVLCLibVLC mLibVLC = null; MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer = null; MediaLibVLC mMediaLib = null;
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
// try a breakpoint here and step over it. I get crashes right there
mLibVLC = new LibVLCLibVLC ();
mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer (mLibVLC);
AssetFileDescriptor afd = Assets.OpenFd ("video.mp4");
if (afd != null) {
mMediaLib = new MediaLibVLC (mLibVLC, afd.FileDescriptor);
Console.WriteLine ("--- open video file successful");
mMediaPlayer.Media = mMediaLib;
mMediaPlayer.Play ();
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("--- couldn't open video file");
Can you check this again with the latest update?
Sorry for my late reply. If I set a breakpoint it still crashes when I step over it. This time with no error message in the application output window. I can run it without breakpoints, but no video nor sound comes out. Your example works with just audio.
Hi, i have the same issue, did you fix it ?
I'm sorry that I met the same problem. How can I solve it?