
Results 8 issues of RocketDev

It was when I was using my program equipped with `jintellitype` on other's computer when it got crashed, telling me that some dependencies are missing, causing a unexpected error. I...

**VERSION: JRE 1.8; JFOENIX 8.0.10** Is there any methods to change the bar of progress bar now? Could you create a new version, map tag `-fx-accent` to `.progress bar >...

I fixed zsh completion which is not working properly (like #549), now files can be completed. What's more, I add a feature that when triggering `Tab` where dependencies should be...


**Describe the bug** Check the screenshot below. Ghidra could resolve symbols in disassembly, but the decompilation is so redundant. Arguments pushed onto the stack piled up and significantly impact my...

While tackling chanllenges, I find that some useful funtions like unpack 6 bytes of recv, processing pointers xored with `fs:[0x30]` not implemented yet. Could anyone tell me if these funtions...


After glibc 2.35, one of exploitable paths is FSOP, utilizing unchecked vtable for `_IO_wide_data`. This PR brings related structures in Python and convenient methods to create out-of-box payload. WIP.

I have a WIP fork to add a feature of WideData exploit in FILE, and it strikes on me that I need to create a funtion to merge structures into...
