
Results 17 comments of RocketDev

## en: That's quite strange. It works properly on my system. Please show me the file structure in your jar file. ## zh: 不应该啊,在我的系统上它工作得很正常。请放一个你打包好的jar的文件结构

en: Yep, you're right. I've checked your jar file and found the path of the library is actually `BOOT-INF/classes/com.melloware.jintellitype/JIntellitype64.dll`, different from the path defined in class, which can been seen...

According to the fact that the library functions through a visible, I think it happens because an app in full screen mode will cover it. Please try if it works...


怎么搜啊... @horse-world

Oh, have you downloaded JavaFX lib? Please notice that jfx is not included in jre.

Could anyone tell me which class caused this warning? I want to try to fix it. (Low possibility to work it out)

@melloware I've scanned it's dependencies and found my guess right. Just download the latest vcrt and it works fine.

@iamcco great plugin, so plz add this function! I scrolled between files today and sadly found that I have to adjust the browser tabs every time. A cup of milktea...

It seems that i need to switch on mkdp auto start in order to have a fluent experience.