Robin Gower
Robin Gower
The printing company we're using [requires]( PDFs with a CMYK colourspace. I guess we can work in RGB then convert the results to CMYK (e.g. with imagemagick), but, if IIRC,...
Tripod resources require an `rdf_type`. When this is missing you can't find them. I'm not sure if they are not persisted or persisted but not retrievable. Ideally this should be...
I was trying to use the [console demo]( When I try to invoke `GET /hydra/api-demo/issues/` nothing happens and I see this error in the console: > Uncaught SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected...
After doing `yarn create hdom-app my-app` and `yarn install` just now I'm seeing the same error that was reported in #3 and #5. It looks like this picks up version...
Otherwise it complains that: ``` Wrong number of arguments to clean task. Expected [] ```
I'm just getting to grips with Spira and I've found something that strikes me as odd (the mailing list looks a bit quiet so I'm posting here instead). I wonder...
Hello, We'd like to use this library. Any chance that it could be published to clojars? It would also be nice if the version number was increased with each change...
Following #6, we can replace `csvwr::vec_depth` with `purrr::pluck_depth` once purrr 1.0.0 is released on CRAN.
Templates with `{#var}` are rewritten as `#{var}`, this doesn't comply with the [spec for fragment expansion]( if the var is undefined. Templates with an absolute URL e.g. `{#countryCode}` have `{+url}`...