
Results 6 comments of Oleg

I'm also getting this error with the following trace in console when trying to use `https://api.github.com/graphql`: ```js app.52474f40a85b8b9c3215.js:85086 SyntaxError: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found ) (2242:3) 2240 | 2241 |...

It seems like crochet-patch comes from here: [rshariffdeen/clang-tools](https://github.com/rshariffdeen/clang-tools/tree/master/crochet-patch), and one of the cvecgen binaries come from here: [hrkfdn/deckard](https://github.com/hrkfdn/deckard), I'm just not sure which one.

Hi all, I recently switched from amd64 to Apple Silicon and rely on gvm quite heavily. What else needs to be done for this to work and exist in the...

Hi @vimitdhawan, we merged #31 last year, and I haven't touched the others once since. If you wanted to contribute some tests for these other points, that would be amazing.

After some further thought, do we really even need the rest of these tests? The whole point of this package is providing a client to call OpenAI's API, so would...