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Dockerize Artifacts
Hi all,
It seems like FixMorph relies on a few compiled binaries which are currently being stored in this repository as artifacts. I'd like to go through and Dockerize these dependencies so that they can be updated to support multiple architectures and fix existing CVEs.
The only problem I'm facing is that I don't know what the exact upstream sources for each binary are.
After a bit of research I was able to somewhat track down their upstreams, but had some confusion on the difference between the cvecgen
and cvecgen-fail
Could someone from this project please help me identify exactly where each of these come from?
The artifacts in question are:
It seems like crochet-patch comes from here: rshariffdeen/clang-tools, and one of the cvecgen binaries come from here: hrkfdn/deckard, I'm just not sure which one.