drake-iiwa-driver copied to clipboard
I know this is more related to hardware, but I'm guessing that someone here has dealt with this issue before. After successfully building drake and the drake-iiwa-driver, I am now...
Hi, I just found some small vibrations when the robot switches from the static status to motion as new command is received. I plot all the waypoints computed from the...
Hi, Since there is so much vibration in my application, I want to use your [low_pass_filter](https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake-iiwa-driver/blob/master/kuka-driver/low_pass_filter.h) to reduce it,but I encounter some problems. According to your example in [kuka_driver.cc](https://github.com/Chunting/drake-iiwa-driver/blob/master/kuka-driver/kuka_driver.cc), I...
I've built http://drake.mit.edu/from_source.html with the bazel build. What are the steps for building this repository? Current Status of my progress towards running an iiwa example: - [x] drake builds with...
Hey, I'm the author of https://github.com/ahundt/grl, and I'm interested to see how is FRI based control is working for you in practice? I'd also like to mention these two recent...