Test file t.nw (same as `examples/test.nw`): ``` % Copyright 1991 by Norman Ramsey. All rights reserved. % See file COPYRIGHT for more information. = one # uses two and three...
To @DIYsciBorg's comment on tracking from [Issue 5](https://github.com/baldengineer/bit-preserve/issues/5), I can see some possibilities: * For schematics, require a readme.md that includes the source(s) of schematics (even if "reverse engineered by...
It would be nice to have an "apio test" command. The tests could be organized like [TinyFPGA's tests here](https://github.com/tinyfpga/TinyFPGA-Bootloader/tree/master/tests). ``` / apio.ini file1.v file2.v tests/ utility_header1.vh utility_header2.vh dothing_test/ test.v dootherthing_test/...
**Minimal test case**. [simbug.zip](https://github.com/nmigen/nmigen/files/5961206/simbug.zip) **Summary:** The Verilog that nMigen outputs can contain time-0 race conditions which cause problems for simulation. **Details:** I'm running through the Zero to Asic course using...
I'm guessing the answer is just going to be, run SymbiYosys in prove mode. But just in case I'm missing something... I would love to do something like this: ```python...
It seems I can write something like `m.d.comb += Assert(Past(signal) == 0)`. If `multiclock` is off in the sby file, what exactly is `Past`? Here's an example. First, `example.py`: ```python...
When dumping the result of covers and counterexamples, Symbiyosys writes `.vcd` files. However, any signals that were enums or FSM states are no longer strings, but just plain old binary....
Just leaving [this here](https://github.com/RobertBaruch/nmigen-tutorial). Please feel free to point out any errors, inconsistencies, nonsense, or confusing statements.
"The cmavo tu'a is used in forming abstractions, and is explained more fully in Section 11.11." but it isn't mentioned at all in that section.
So that you don't have to read/write/set dir on all pins if you just want to read/write/set dir on a few. Example: `void zif_read_mask(zif_bits_t zif_val, zif_bits_t zif_mask);`