I did get a different checksum. Here's `t.tex`: ``` \documentclass{article}\usepackage{noweb}\pagestyle{noweb}\noweboptions{}\begin{document}\nwfilename{t.nw}\nwbegindocs{0}\nwdocspar % Copyright 1991 by Norman Ramsey. All rights reserved. % See file COPYRIGHT for more information. \nwenddocs{}\nwbegincode{1}\moddef{*}\endmoddef one \LA{}two\RA{} \LA{}three\RA{}...
Hmm, I cloned noweb from git. I can delete it all and try again...
I tried it in two different ways: * `apt install noweb` * `git clone https://github.com/nrnrnr/noweb.git` + compile & install In both cases, indents were not applied. This was all using...
I'm ok with having to use a stable version -- I can just `apt install texlive-full` which seems to load nearly all the packages in CTAN, versioned according to 2019...
(will be updating the docs about signedness with the new `signed` constructor)
Do the symbolic names carry over from Python to the IL that Symbiyosys uses?
I could try. But I wouldn't even start unless I knew such a feature would be accepted into yosys.
It seems like this has been tried several times already: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/issues/248 so I'm hesitant to spend a lot of time on it.
Perhaps a good starting place would be `kernel/rtlil.h`. Add a struct to hold the valuestring map (is `RTLIL::IdString` useful?) for an enum, and make that a top-level entity, or a...
I have some time next week that I can devote to working on this.