Hi UnchartedBull, No they are not used for dual extruders. If you are printing multicolor prints with a single extruder, it will tell you the time left until you have...
I agree, that would be a great way of doing it. Thanks, Ryan
Hi thegarbz, The estimatedEndTime shows you the actual time that the print will be done (eg. 8:55pm). vs number of hours/minutes left to print. Makes it easier to know when...
This is a big pain for myself. If I am doing a big print that needs a color change or could be stopped by the filament sensor, I like to...
I am see this issue as well. The first pause in time is correct, but after that it shifts: M73 P0 R547 M73 C382 M117 Pause in 6h22m25s / 9h7m7s...