Riya Jawandhiya

Results 5 issues of Riya Jawandhiya

The organization is the most easily accessible and is considered the most reliable source. The red marked square shows the bug, I am talking about. When text contrasts poorly with...

**What is the growth opportunity you want to see solved?** When confused, I look for footers. They are most easy to navigate whenever we get lost, so I consider footers...

**Description** On the website of Creative Commons, I was navigating then realized the issue in the blog image ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48223671/108999651-988f5880-76c8-11eb-8139-8ce1cd1890d5.png) The red marked square shows the bug, I am talking about....

🚧 status: blocked
🏷 status: label work required

**What is the growth opportunity you want to see solved?** [The organization](https://creativecommons.org/) is the most easily accessible and is considered as the most reliable [source](https://www.smartinsights.com/user-experience/website-design/what-is-the-importance-of-web-design-for-your-audience/#:~:text=A%20well%2Ddesigned%20website%20can,navigate%20your%20website%20with%20ease.). ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48223671/108588159-bc2b6980-737d-11eb-8fc2-b378ff16e195.png) The red marked square...

🏷 status: label work required

**Actual Behaviour** [The organization](https://www.hotosm.org/) is the most easily accessible and is considered as the most reliable [source.](https://www.smartinsights.com/user-experience/website-design/what-is-the-importance-of-web-design-for-your-audience/#:~:text=A%20well%2Ddesigned%20website%20can,navigate%20your%20website%20with%20ease.) The red marked square shows the bug, I am talking about. The complete...