HuskSync v 3.4 DB Type: MariaDB Velocity 3.3.0 SNAPSHOT 369 PaperMC 1.20.4 #466 Maps transfer just fine from server to server but appear as blank in item frames after a...
Huskchat config does not accept the webhook link format. Huskchat v 3.0.4 Velocity 3.3.0 SNAPSHOT 369 PaperMC 1.20.4 #466 Config: ``` discord: # Enable hooking into Discord via Webhooks and/or...
Would like to have a way to toggle on/off receiving messages in a channel so a player can effectively mute a channel just for themselves. This would be very useful...
Similar to blocking portal usage when a player is in creative mode I would like to see a block for spectator mode as well. This would be useful for SMP...
I would love to have a config that lets you set a minimum chunk distance between claims with an error telling the player they are too close to another player's...
It would be very nice to have a toggle on/off option to see your own claim border with some simple particles like when you're in the claim mode. Adding color...
I run a lot of SMP servers and many of them like the claim protections offered but I have a few who are trying to keep the vanilla experience as...