@sekwah41 When a player dies on a different server from their bedspawn it breaks loaded nether portals but only for that player. When I started troubleshooting the issue I thought...
I can get you logged in to the server where it's happening as well. Just poke me.
After stripping down the server to it's bare bones with only the following installed with version numbers: - velocity-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT-265 - paper-1.20.1-194 - Advanced-Portals-0.9.3 - 1 Proxy, 2 Backend Paper servers...
I'd love to see this as well. I swap games often enough that the limits are kinda chaffing. Would make long streams with multiple games much less tedious when swapping.
Experiencing the same issue. Running latest paper in 1.20.1. I can generally get a report just fine but trying to open the live profiler just dumps that ^ error.
If you'd like my log I can send it too but it's pretty identical.