May I ask how did you get your raw ply data? I would like deploy the models on my own data set which is in pcd format. However, I tried...
I found a function as follows but it seems not working... Any help is appreciated. ``` @staticmethod def draw_pc(pc_xyzrgb): pc = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pc.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(pc_xyzrgb[:, 0:3]) if pc_xyzrgb.shape[1] == 3:...
I follow the instructions in the readme, by downloading the data file to the folder. I got the pointclouds in .txt format and run sh train-psnet5.sh. But it seems the...
### Description I am following this example here https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/queryrenderedfeatures/ to retrieve the information on point of the map. It uses queryRenderedFeatures() to generate the information of a tile. However, when...
### Has this bug been raised before? - [X] I have checked "open" AND "closed" issues and this is not a duplicate ### Description If I have a h1 line...