@dashko https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/geometries/TextGeometry https://discourse.threejs.org/t/create-3d-text-at-runtime/2045/2 ps: I have not looked into this anymore, but hopefully that helps you in any way,
The Porsche 911 II GT3 R was the first car which has gained the ISetupChanger type. (see code below for implementation). Since the caster and wheel rate look up tables...
I think it would be nice to make the dds generator aware of the mode that is selected so it updates the list of skins that will have their files...
I will remove the option to generate/import/export dds_0 files. As they are only used in the showroom and are not particularly small in size.
Closed, the app is now only generating the dds_1 files.
See https://www.overtake.gg/threads/race-element.230494/page-17#post-3760876
I can add bop offsets for data, but it'll require a lot of data collection for each car on each kind of bop track.
Added a track type bop int from the json to the function that converts the ride height for all setup converters https://github.com/RiddleTime/Race-Element/commit/3ec15e042d3336a2a0135661c592f7005b466b7e
Will have a look soon, thanks for the repory!
@lchannng do you want to create a pull request to fix this? (sorry, but my time is limited in some cases and I'm working on a lot of other matter...